ACBScottish MMA

ACB 47 Play by play and results


Robert Whiteford vs. Kevin Petshi

Round 1

Whiteford out and quick with the takedown and into Petshi’s guard, Petshi locks up his guard but Whiteford breaks it and tries to pass, Petshi pulls himself to the cage to try and get up but Whiteford keeps him pinned until Petshi eventually breaks free and gets up. Whiteford keeps the distance but surprisingly Petshi goes for a takedown of his own and lands it, Petshi tries to advance but the bell stops any progress.

Round 2

Whiteford goes for a takedown early but Petshi counters and rolls Whiteford as it hits the mat and gets control. Petshi keeps control for a bit but Whiteford gets out, locks around Petshi and takes him down against the cage, getting half guard, Whiteford keeps Petshi locked with one arm, punching with the other till the bell.

Round 3

Whiteford comes out looking for the takedown but Petshi defends well, the two come together and it hits the mat, after a scramble and whiteford almost having his back taken the fight ends up back standing. The two exchange good blows on the feet before whiteford shoots in for a takedown, catching a good knee from Petshi in the process, Whiteford get’s into half guard and begins to work. He almost passes half to mount but seems comfortable working from half guard till the bell.

Robert Whiteford wins via unanimous decision

Ryan Scope vs. Yusup Umarov

Round 1

Evenly matched first round Umarov looking for knockout blows and Scope picking his shots, back and forward from both, Umarov looks focused as does Scope.

Round 2

Both fighters start hard, Scope takes a big shot and hits the mat, Umarov follows him down looking for the finish and nearly gets it as the referee looked like he was one punch away from calling the fight. Scope recovers and gets back to his feet and starts to get the upper hand, he slips and gets back up and strangely Umarov doesn’t take advantage, Umarov could be tired. Scope sees an opening and just unloads on Umarov sending him down, the referee stops it as the towel comes flying in from Umarov’s corner.

Ryan Scope wins via TKO round 2  

Andrew Fisher vs. Norman Parke

Round 1

Fisher as expected keeping his boxing tight, Parke taking longer to initiate a takedown but a shot from Fisher leaves him no option, Parke fights for a takedown but defends well. The two fighters eventually separate and take it back to the centre just as an eyepoke stops the action for a few seconds.when the fight starts again, fisher is looking strong again until Parke gets in and gets him to the mat, taking the back as Fisher stands up the bell goes.

Round 2

A scramble early on in the second sees Fisher go for a leg lock but Parke gets out get’s up and trips Fisher to the mat. Parke smothers Fisher on the ground, against the cage, Park changes position but Fisher gets out and up. Parke does well to stand with Fisher but is always looking for the takedown, round two finishes with Fisher against the cage and Parke looking for the takedown.

Round 3

Parke once again looking for that takedown, he gets Fishers leg and looks to run the pipe but Fisher defends. Parke eventually gets the single leg he’s been looking for but Fisher is back up quick, Parke stays on him though, getting him back to the mat with a good takedown. Parke stays tight to Fisher on the ground until the bell.

Norman Parke wins via unanimous decision

Michael Bobner vs. Magomed Raisov

Round 1

Raisov taking advantage of Bobner’s wild strikes by getting under them and pressuring for the takedown, Raisov catches Bobner and rushes in for a double leg that he gets, on the mat Raisov pressure Bobner till the bell.

Round 2

Round two starts strong, Bobner is swinging for the fences catching Raisov multiple times but Raisov is still standing. Bobner just keeps swinging, dealing damage to Raisov, the referee steps in a stops the fight after Raisov has taken too many unanswered shots.

Michael Bobner wins via TKO round 2

Lee Chadwick vs. Ibragim Chuzhigaev

Round 1

Fierce start from both fighters with looping over hands and spinning backfists, the action doesn’t stop with both fighters teeing off on each other. Chuzhigaev gets Chadwick against the cage and swarms him, catching him with a great uppercut that looks to be the main shot in the finish.

Ibragim Chuzhigaev wins via TKO round 1

Daniel Crawford vs. Alihan Suleimanov

Round 1

Suleimanov starts with a wild hook, maybe hoping to get Crawford to raise his guard and as he throws it he instantly shoots in for a takedown, Crawford defends well against the cage but Suleimanov lifts him up by one leg and slams him to the mat. On the ground it’s clear Suleimanov wants the choke as he is trying to sink one in from multiple positions, Crawford does well to get up and begins to strike on Suleimanov, Suleimanov looks done after the choke attempts leaving Crawford to tee off on him, catch him clean and finish him on the ground against the cage

Daniel Crawford wins via TKO round 1

Ed Arthur vs. Brent Crawley

Round 1

Arthur starts strong landing some great quick combos on Crawley, Arthur grabs a guillotine and goes to the mat but Crawley defends, gets out and on top. Arthur does well to get up using the cage but Crawley is keeping the pressure up, forcing Arthur against the cage, Arthur ends up on the mat and Crawley transitions from north and south to Arthur’s back but Arthur gets up. Arthur throws a looping hook that Crawley ducks, he uses the space to shoot in and get Arthur to the mat, Arthur tries to lock in a guillotine but doesn’t have the leverage to finish it before the bell sounds.

Ed Arthur wins via submission (guillotine choke) round 2

Kieran Malone vs. John Maguire

Round 1

Both fighters take the centre and trade shots, they both rush to the cage and grapple but the referee stops and moves them back to the centre, Malone throws a kick but Maguire catches it and Malone ends up on his back. Maguire dives in and transitions over the body and into head control, Maguire is moving well on the ground but Malone gets up, moves to the cage and escapes. Maguire takes the centre and lands some good strikes on Malone, Malone throws some back himself but finishes the round against the cage, defending against Maguires strikes.

Round 2

Maguire takes the centre and receives some good kicks to the knee from Malone, both fighters keep it standing longer than expected, Maguire throwing shots with Malone countering. Maguire catches Malone and Malone signals an eye poke,m the referee waves it off and Maguire begins to work but with only 10 seconds left Malone survives.

Round 3

Maguire closes the distance early and lands short elbows through Malone’s guard, Malone defends and gets back to the centre, Maguire is keeping close,looking to tie Malone up and land short shots. Maguire ducks and swoops Malone to the mat against the cage and lands some strong body shots, Maguire transitions to side control and grabs an arm looking for a kimura, Malone looks to defend but Maguire switches up and cranks harder forcing Malone to tap

John Maguire wins via submission (Kimura) Round 3

Gavin Hughes vs. Chris Bungard

Round 1

Bungard catches Hughes with a turning side kick early, Bungard tries to lock in a choke from standing and drags Hughes to the mat but Hughes defends well, both fighters separate but Bungard keeps on him, Hughes gets out but Bungard goes for a single leg and eventually pulls halfguard. Bungard gets up leans into Hughes and Hughes leans in and grabs the guillotine and locks it in tight, Bungard defends for a bit until he taps

Gavin Hughes wins via submission (guillotine choke) Round 1

Shoaib Yusuf vs. Denis Ahern

Round 1

Ahern comes out striking but Yusuf ducks and takes Ahern down, he gets his back and Ahern stands up with him still on his back, Yusuf locks the legs around Aherns body and sinks in a rear naked choke but Ahern defends well, Ahern escapes but Yusuf gets Ahern down and gets mount, he transitions to an armbar and Ahern taps.

Shoaib Yusuf wins via submission (Armbar) round 1

Kim Thinghaugen Vs. Rustam Asuev

Round 1

Asuev shoots in early and fights for a hard takedown, Kim gets back up but Asuev with the body lock drags him back to the mat and gets side control then takes the back of kim and locks in a tight choke that Kim does well to fight out of. Kim gets out and almost locks in a choke of his own but Asuev counters and ends up in Kim’s guard, Kim locks in a triangle that Asuev defends, he switches to an armbar but Asuev pops out and gets Kim’s back, Kim gets back to his feet and both fighters grapple till the end of the round.

Round 2

Kim rushes in and gets Asuev down but does nothing with it and the referee stands them back up, Asuev shoots in for a single and gets Kim down but he bounces back up and Ausev continues to work for the takedown, the bodylock has worked so far for him and it does once again getting Kim down and into his guard. Asuev works from guard till Kim gets up just as the bell sounds.

Round 3

Kim catches Asuev with a good hook but Asuev shoots in and gets Kim down against the cage, Asuev is sticking to Kim like glue not giving an inch, fighting for the takedown causes the action to stop so the referee breaks them up restarts on the feet. Kim catches Asuev and looks to put him in trouble but he recovers and moves back to the bodylock against the cage, the referee stands them back up and Kim swings leaving himself open for another takedown just as the round comes to an end.

Rustam Asuev wins via unanimous decision.

Arturo Chavez vs. Shamil Shakhbulatov

Round 1

Tentative start from both fighters, feeling each other out with single shots, Chavez throws a low kick but Shakhbulatov catches it and takes him to the mat. Chavez using writs control from the bottom but Shakhbulatov doing well to pop up and deliver shots, doing just enough by the looks of it to stop the standup. The referee sees little action and stands both fighters up, they start swinging wildly and move to the cage wall just as the bell sounds.

Round 2

Shakhbulatov goes for a high kick but slips but recovers and gets back up, Shakhbulatov goes for the takedown against the cage and gets Chavez to the mat but he gets back up and puts Shakhbulatov against the cage wall. Both fighters separate and begin to trade shots in the centre of the cage, Shakhbulatov catches chaves with a turning side kick to the stomach but he walks through it and the fight goes to the ground, round one ends with both fighters on their knees, back against the cage.

Round 3

Both fighters looking for the finish in round 3, Shakhbulatov gets the upper hand swinging at Chavez until Chavez ducks and shoots in, the two fighters grapple against the cage for a bit until it goes to the mat and Shakhbulatov tries to get the back from turtle, Chavez gets up but Shakhbulatov gets the body lock in and pulls him back to the mat. Shakhbulatov holds chavez on the ground till the bell sounds to end the fight.

Shamil Shakhbulatov wins via unanimous decision.

Andy Spiers vs. Beckhan Ezerkhanov

Round 1

Ezerkhanov out quick with a spin kicks that misses, he taunts Spiers to come in and then rushes in for a takedown getting Spiers to the mat, Ezerkhanov gets Spiers back. Spiers tries to get up but Ezerkhanov sticks to his back, Spiers gets out and gets up. Ezerkhanov shoots back in but Siers sprawls and begins to punish Ezerkhanov, Ezerkhanov gets out and shoots in for another takedown but the spring is gone and Spiers defends easy, Ezerkhanov counters getting Spiers on his back but Spiers gets out quick and into Ezerkhanov guard where he lands punches till the referee stops the fight.

Andy Spiers wins via TKO round 1

Kevin Lobban vs. Adam Bramhald

Round 1

Both fighter out fast, Bramhald catches Lobban with a nice shot resulting in lobban shooting in against the cage, both fighters hit the mat but Bramhald backs up letting Lobban up. Bramhald catches lobban with a beautiful flying knee sending him to the mat but he recovers well and locks in an arm bar that Bramhald defends, gets out and back to his feet. Bramhald grabs Lobbans head and gets him to the mat with a lovely trip but Lobban gets back up quick. Lobban pulls a single getting Bramhald to one knee right at the bell

Round 2

Lobban with his boxing tight catches Bramhald with a great right but he takes it well, the fight goes to the mat and Bramhald looks to lock in a side choke but Lobban twists to his knees and gets back to his feet. Lobban seems to have the upperhand here on the feet, backing Bramhald against the cage and delivering some great shots but Bramhald recovers with another takedown, Bramhald  gets Lobbans back but Lobban gets out with Bramhald moving to north south locking in a D’Arce choke to finish the fight.

Adam Bramhald wins via submission (D’Arce choke) round two  

Jason Woods vs. Dominic Dillon

Round 1

Dillon come out early looking for the takedown but is unsuccessful, the two fighters trade shots, both looking light on their feet. Good exchanges and pace in the first round, Woods goes for a knee and slips with Dillon following him to the mat and begins to  work from top position and looking to get side control. Round one finishes with Dillon in half guard and on top.

Round 2

Dillon once again looks for the early takedown but Woods gets his leg out and the fight goes back to its feet, Dillon catches Woods foot and woods tries to roll out, Woods goes for Dillon’s knee but Dillon gets on top and starts to work again. Woods gets side control and locks an arm, dillon is controlling well but not dealing much damage to Woods. Dillon looks to go for mount but Woods pulls him into full guard and tries to lock in a triangle but Dillon postures out fairly easy and finishes the round on top once again.

Round 3

Dillon straight away goes for the single leg but Woods defends and keeps the fight standing, dillon gets Woods against the cage but doesn’t manage to get him down, the fight goes to the centre and Dillon gets the takedown but Woods gets back up after a short while but has sustained a cut to the forehead. Dillon gets Woods down against the cage and holds him there eventually passing to side control, Dillon work from top till the end of the fight.

Dominic Dillon wins via unanimous decision


Jack DeMarco vs. Ben Holdsworth

Round 1

Holdsworth takes the centre of the cage early and controls the pace, his cage control is good keeping DeMarco against the cage for the majority of the round. DeMarco gets some punches through but the round belongs to Holdsworth who controls the pace for the entire round finishing by punishing DeMarcos legs as he lies on the mat from a slip.

Round 2

Similar start to round two with Holdsworth commanding the cage, DeMarco take some shots and shoots in for a single leg but Holdsworth flattens out, gets his back from turtle position and finishes with a rear naked choke.

Ben Holdsworth wins via submission (rear naked choke) Round 2

Don Wilson

Writer/founder for @FightTalkScot, MMA Fan, Amateur Fighter, Movies, Videos Games and Music.